About us:

Rabbi NeymarkAyia Napa, one of Cyprus's most popular resorts, hosts hundreds of thousands of tourists during the five-month summer "season," including 100,000 Jewish and Israeli youngsters, many of whom are just out of school and have come to enjoy the beaches, the sports and water activities and the night life the city has to offer.

That's where we find them and offer them a warm home from home, a taste of holiness in these mundane surroundings. Right here, where they've come to escape it all, they find a link to their tradition and many of them embark on their spiritual journey from this place.

Chabad Ayia NapaIn the summer of 2016, with the rise in the number of tourists coming here, Rabbi Zushe and Yaeli Neymark arrived with their small son Uri, concentrating on working with the youngsters here in their Chabad House. They're very keen and highly motivated to be able to handle all the youngsters who enter their doors.

They run a range of activities – homestyle Shabbat meals with delicious, nourishing foods, a store providing kosher food all week from early morning until late at night, shiurim, minyanim, evening programs for youth and much, much more.

By the way, if you happen to be in Ayia Napa on Friday night and you hear the beautiful singing as you pass by our Chabad House, you're more than welcome to come in and join the 400 youngsters enjoying our communal Kabbalat Shabbat service. Entrance is free and everyone's invited


Contact us

Phone: 00.357.96.640980

Address: Kavo Greko 11, Ayia Napa 5330

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.ChabadCyprus.com/en/AyiaNapa

every dollar is worth two!

Special opportunity to help us:

In order to be able to expand our activities, and acting on the advice of our good friends, we've decided to launch our fundraising campaign for Gimmel Tammuz, 9/7/2016, the date marking the yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Our team of supporters are joining together to match every dollar raised during this campaign. That means every dollar donated will be worth double – when you donate $100 your chosen Chabad House will receive $200!

However, as we said, it's all or nothing. Each Chabad House needs to raise $15,000 (which will become $30,000) by the deadline on 9/7/2016, or they won't get a penny!

Click here to make your donation worth double!