Shabat Kiddush
Want to sponsor a Kiddush? Talk to us!
One of the best parts of the Jewish Community in Cyprus is sharing a meal together following Shabbat morning services at Kiddush lunch. People gather in groups small and large, share stories, laugh, joke, and meet new people. Kiddush helps us build the connections that make JCC a strong, vibrant community. Sponsoring a kiddush is a great way to commemorate any milestone from a birth, birthday, bar / bat mitzvah, anniversary, graduation, or a loved one's yahrzeit.
A congregational kiddush not only provides a meaningful tribute to a loved one with an acknowledgement in the newsletter and a charitable donation receipt, it more importantly provides blessings to the family with the words spoken by friends, members, and attendees to the sponsoring family.
To commemorate your milestone with a congregational kiddush, please complete this form to begin this simplified, hassle-free experience.
There are lots of reasons to sponsor a Kiddush. What are yours?