As needs grow, so do we.

We are very happy to announce our newest Chabad house, in the islands capitol, Nicosia.

The new site will supply all Jewish services required by the local community: kosher food, a synagogue, Torah classes, joint Shabbos meals, and an attentive ear for guidance and direction in all things of a Jewish nature. Our hope is to reach every Jew with a smile and a warm and loving message that we are here to help them in both material and spiritual matters.

As we have seen in the Larnaca Chabad Center and in hundreds of Chabad Houses throughout the world, a permanent facility that provides a connection between a warm and friendly social meeting place and a home of Torah, holiness, and light can bring tremendous unity within the community and the Jewish People as a whole.



While the initial expenses are quite considerable, with G‑d's help, the Nicosia Chabad House has opened its doors with complete faith and confidence that many more kindhearted friends and supporters will join us along the way, reaching their hands out to us and becoming active partners in our holy activities, both as participants and contributors, to kindle another point of light in the heart of Cyprus.

May G‑d bless all those who support this vital project with good health, long life, and much success in all their endeavors.

Interested in making a dedication in honor or in memory of your loved ones? Send us an e-mail: [email protected]

For your convenience, there are a variety of ways to arrange your generous contribution:

- Paypal:

Please click on the Following link to donate via Paypal: Click here

- Mail a check:

P.O. Box 42461
6534 Larnaca

- Bank Transfer:


Hellenic Bank

Branch - Phaneromenis 373

account #: 373-01-712350-01

IBAN #: CY51 0050 0373 0003 7301 7123 5001

Swift # HEBACY2N

- Make a secure donation by Credit Card:

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*Visa Master Card American Express Discover

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*Please charge my card US$ €uro NIS₪
Please continue to charge this amount every month.

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