Make this Purim Different - Help us to help you! On Purim we emphasize the importance of friendship and community by sending gifts of mishloach manot, to friends. Give to the Needy (Matanot La'evyonim) Concern for the needy is a year-round responsibility; but on Purim it is a special mitzvah to remember the poor. Give charity to at least two, (but preferably more) needy individuals on Purim day, March 16th 2022. The mitzvah is best fulfilled by giving directly to the needy. If, however, you cannot find poor people, place at least two coins into a charity box. As with the other mitzvahs of Purim, even small children should fulfill this mitzvah. “On Purim we give to those less fortunate than ourselves by giving gifts of money and food to the poor” Help us to help you fulfill the Mitzvot of Purim 2022 18 Euro will help one Jewish person celebrate Purim 36 Euros will help two Jewish people celebrate Purim 180 Euro will help a Jewish family celebrate Purim 54 Euro will help someone in need Other Amount Charge Me Monthly the Amount of Please use one of the following methods to send us your contribution. Paypal: Please click on the Following link to donate via Paypal: Click here Credit Card: Visa Master Card American Express Discover Credit Card Number Exp Date Security code (last 3 digits on the signature panel) Please charge my card US$ €uro NIS₪ Please continue to charge this amount every month. Name on credit card: Billing Address: City: State: Zip: Telphone Number: This page uses 128 bit SSL encryption to keep your data secure.